Thursday, August 18, 2011

It's official!

My flights are booked - there's no turning back now! My departure date is October 12th, and I'll be returning April 20th. Now to sort out visas, work permits, shots, malaria pills, and all that good stuff.

I'll be teaching Veritas Press's Omnibus III curriculum, which encompasses history, philosophy, theology, and literature. I'm trying to read as many of the primary readings as I can before I go. Here's the reading list, to give you an idea (I feel like I'm back at Grove City again!):

Westminster Confession of Faith
The Pilgrim's Progress (currently reading it - amazing)
Of Plymouth Plantation
The Social Contract
Foundational American Documents
The Federalist Papers
The Anti-Federalist Papers
A Tale of Two Cities (just covered this as a writing tutor a couple months ago, so there's one down!)
Reflections on the Revolution in France
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Lincoln's Speeches
Slave Narratives (I'm guessing this includes Frederick Douglass, which I've read a trillion times)
The Communist Manifesto
The Treaty of Versailles
The Great Gatsby
Mein Kampf
Books of the Bible: Philemon; I, II & III John; I & II Peter, Jude, Daniel

They'll cover a few of these before I get there. There are also 16 books on the secondary reading list. Needless to say, we'll be busy! I'm excited though, this is right up my alley. I LOVE history and literature. As long as I don't have to teach math, I'm all set!

I appreciate your prayers as I spend the next eight weeks ironing out my plans. I've already raised 1/3 of my support - thank you!

In Him,


  1. Wow. What a list!! Can I join your class?! It sounds like it will be amazing!

  2. Sure Bren, I'll shrink wrap you and stuff you in my suitcase :D
    I love this reading list - and the secondary reading list is amazing too (lots of novels!).

  3. Wow. You go girl!!! That is quite the list.
