Thursday, March 21, 2013

Day 1 (Again): In which I admit my failure.

I'm back. No excuses. I'm a lazy bum. That about sums it up. Let's try to get this blog rolling again.

I'm still aiming for 90 days of blogging. Since I totally failed, I'm starting over. Please keep me accountable!

I have some exciting news -- I'm hoping to return to Karamoja in September for another year, after a two month summer vacation in the good ol' US of A. My role here will be changing, as will my funding situation, but more on all those details later. You'll be seeing a Facebook page, a website, letters, YouTube videos and all kinds of fun media shindigs promoting the Karamoja station's newest project, a preschool literacy and numeracy program run by me, Martha and Erika, along with Karimojong staff. We'll also be expanding our current ministry to local public elementary schools. Lord willing, next year I'll be teaching one course to the missionary kids -- the Great Books (Omnibus) course with Jamie and Josh -- and I'll be spending the rest of my time teaching at our preschool, doing administrative work for the school, and visiting the local public schools on a regular basis to teach literacy, numeracy and Bible to grades 1-6 and to provide some training for the public school teachers.

This is all still in the works, and the details are still a bit fuzzy, but I've got the green light to go ahead and prepare for my return. I would be glad to answer any questions you have now about our plans for next year.

The other thing occupying a lot of brainwaves at the moment -- I'm getting amped up for the RP Mission team, which will be arriving about two months from now! I'll be ending this term in Karamoja as the mission team leader, and I'm looking forward to serving alongside five young ladies -- my dear friend Kathryn Paar, Stephanie Godlewski, Liz Neel, Rachel Dinkledine, and Stacy Muir. I am itching for them to arrive... but in the meantime I want to make sure I help prepare them as well as possible via email for all they're about to see and experience. We are going to have too much fun completely!

Thanks for your continued prayers and encouragement. If I slack off on this blog again, please give me a swift kick in the backside and remind me to push through the writer's block and put fingertips to keyboard!
Alakara nooi (thank you very much)!


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