Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Day 11: The B-I-B-L-E

The internet's being spotty and I'm not sure how long this connection will last, so I'll make this quick. I started a new Bible reading plan a couple weeks back that I LOVE, so I thought I'd share it with you. In the past I've avoided the read-in-multiple-places-every-day plans.... I always felt stressed out by them. Not sure why.

This plan (called Professor Grant Horner's Bible Reading System -- sounds terrifying, I know!) has you reading one chapter from TEN different books everyday. I've never attempted anything like this -- but so far I'm loving it because it gives you the big picture of how all the different parts of Scripture fit together. You're not really "supposed to" write anything down as you go, but I've chosen to write down one key verse from each chapter, which I can later use as a guide for prayer. It's been fantastic. I highly recommend it. You can find an online PDF (which I was never able to open, but I stumbled upon this on someone else's website, where the basic contents of the PDF were shared, as far as I can tell). I found out about this through Tim Challies website.

So give it a try, see what you think, let me know.... or just stick it in your back pocket for when you need to try something different.

1 comment:

  1. I started a plan I found on the Gospel Coalition blog. It's called Bible eater (or something like that). It kind of works in quarters (so it's not a big deal if you miss a couple days. In fact they work in a few days off a quarter.) and does a couple chapters in the OT and the NT and it assigns a book to read in one sitting each quarter. Like Isaiah is one of them. Woah. Should be interesting.
