So I figured I'd share the "rough draft" of my schedule with you - subject to change, but basically the way my daily life will look until January, when the Tricarico family gets back from furlough.
I'll be teaching history, English and Bible to Bobby, Mary and Kipsy Wright. We're continuing a world history curriculum (every day), a Bible curriculum (M/W/F), and for English we're using a writing textbook and a literature textbook which we'll intersperse with a more in-depth study of several novels (M/W/F). I'll be done with teaching by lunchtime. After lunch, Chloe, Erika and I will be doing "gym class" (i.e. exercise videos -- kickboxing! Zumba! etc) with Mary and Kipsy.
On Mondays Erika and I will continue our Bible study with the kids down at the clinic ward. As soon as I arrived in Karamoja, kids began excitedly greeting me. At one point I walked up to a group of kids and they called me "amusugut kosi" - "our mzungu". Talk about heartwarming. I missed these kids! I'm so glad they remember me and are "ever greeting" me.
On Tuesday mornings Martha, Mary, Kipsy and I will go to the clinic for devotions with the clinic staff, and then we'll go on to the village of Moru Athia to lead a Bible study. On Tuesday afternoon we may go to Namalu to do some shopping at the market, or just take the afternoon off. On Thursday, after clinic devotions, the four of us will go to Nakaale Primary School to teach Bible stories and some literacy classes for the kids. I'm REALLY looking forward to gaining experience teaching in a Ugandan public school. I know it will be a challenge, but I'm sure it will be a rewarding experience.
On Wednesday and Thursday I will be going down to the clinic to teach the children of Kyalo and Elizabeth, two Kenyan members of the clinic staff. Faith has returned from boarding school in Kenya and will not be returning this year, so Erika and I will be picking up some of her schooling. I also plan to continue helping James and Stacey with their English.
Along with all this, I will be taking piano lessons from Erika and guitar lessons from Martha Wright, and I'll need to find time for ngaKarimojong language lessons with Rose. I've lost so much of the language in just the four months I was gone! I also have the Mission's Wednesday night Bible study, a Bible study for young lady MAs one evening, dinners with different families several nights a week, lesson prep and cooking/baking from scratch (bread, making and freezing tomato sauce, etc) to fill up my free time. I'm also anticipating doing a fair amount of travelling all over Uganda and Kenya with the Wright family, which will be such a good time!
So, as you can see, I've got a pretty full schedule, although it is quite a bit different from last year's schedule. I'm excited to be spending more time teaching the Karimojong in addition to the missionary kids. I feel completely at home here... I was able to basically to hit the ground running and am adjusting to life here pretty quickly. I would love to stay more than a year (and the missionaries would like me to stay longer) but it may not be financially responsible for me to do so. I'm going to get as much as I can out of this year and trust the rest with the Lord.
I'm with the Wrights in Mbale until Tuesday or Wednesday, and we'll start school later next week. Thanks for all your prayers!
On Tuesday mornings Martha, Mary, Kipsy and I will go to the clinic for devotions with the clinic staff, and then we'll go on to the village of Moru Athia to lead a Bible study. On Tuesday afternoon we may go to Namalu to do some shopping at the market, or just take the afternoon off. On Thursday, after clinic devotions, the four of us will go to Nakaale Primary School to teach Bible stories and some literacy classes for the kids. I'm REALLY looking forward to gaining experience teaching in a Ugandan public school. I know it will be a challenge, but I'm sure it will be a rewarding experience.
Along with all this, I will be taking piano lessons from Erika and guitar lessons from Martha Wright, and I'll need to find time for ngaKarimojong language lessons with Rose. I've lost so much of the language in just the four months I was gone! I also have the Mission's Wednesday night Bible study, a Bible study for young lady MAs one evening, dinners with different families several nights a week, lesson prep and cooking/baking from scratch (bread, making and freezing tomato sauce, etc) to fill up my free time. I'm also anticipating doing a fair amount of travelling all over Uganda and Kenya with the Wright family, which will be such a good time!
I'm with the Wrights in Mbale until Tuesday or Wednesday, and we'll start school later next week. Thanks for all your prayers!
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