Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!

Our hotel is supposed to have hot water (we turned on the water heater half an hour ago) but, alas, Erika and I have only enjoyed half of the delights of the big city. Fast internet, yes. Hot showers, no.
So, in light of another little letdown in the form of an icy shower on this rainy evening, I need to keep in mind all that I'm thankful for...

I serve a merciful and loving God who has given me so much now, and has an eternity of joy and peace prepared for me in heaven. Every small setback here seems so insignificant in the light of an eternity with Christ. "O praise the Lord, O thank the Lord, for bountiful is He, because His loving kindness lasts through all eternity!" Psalm 106:1

I'm living out what I've been dreaming about for years. I'm in Africa. I've met amazing people and I have wonderful students. I am living in a frontier missions context, in a brick hut, learning a tribal language and making Christian friends in Karamoja who will be with me as brothers and sisters in Christ forever. I get to spend so much time with kids doing what I love. It's so surreal. I'm truly blessed.

I have a great family, church family and friends back at home. I have internet access and a Ugandan cell phone so that I can keep in touch with all of you, even though we're an ocean apart.

I am healthy. I'm safe. I get to sleep on a real bed, drink safe water, and lock my door at night. I don't live in fear. This is not a given for the vast majority of people in the world. Please, be thankful for these things. 

I could go on and on. I have so much. Most of all, I know that all I have, I didn't acquire by my own strength... the Lord has been so good to me. I deserve nothing... I'm given everything I need, and more, and an eternal hope which is worth more than everything else put together. God does not guarantee that I will always be safe, healthy, secure, connected. He may take all that away. He may call me to a much more difficult task than the one He's currently placed before me. But those circumstances shouldn't affect my real joyfulness and thankfulness. Those are rooted much more deeply. 

I hope you've all had a blessed and happy Thanksgiving! 
Love in Christ,

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