Saturday, October 13, 2012

For all you prayer warriors...

We're now in Mbale, with plans to travel up to Karamoja on Monday. We've had a great time in the cities, enjoying civilization and spending time with loads of quality people, but I'm feeling ready to get back "home" to Nakaale. 

I'd really appreciate your prayers. Some doors are opening here for longer term work for me, and I need wisdom and prayer to know how to go forward. I want to stay in Karamoja! It seems like my dream job is right in front of me, but going down this road will mean at least two more years here in Uganda. I would love to spend the rest of my life here, but realistically I need to take things one year at a time. So please pray that I wouldn't rush into any decisions, but would be wise, patient, and responsible as I think about the road I'm headed down.

You can also pray for our Mission right now as we deal with some really discouraging trials in the Nakaale church, particularly with regards to church members taking second wives. In some cases the men who have taken second wives were men we'd hoped would step into church leadership roles eventually; they're now ineligible for church office. This has been a hard blow to our mission and we'd appreciate your prayers during this time. We know the Lord will raise up a people for Himself from among the Karimojong, but it's a long and bumpy road and right now it seems like there's little fruit for our labors. Please pray for the Karimojong church members - that they would have a sincere faith, that they would understand the life Christ calls them to as believers, and that they would not cave in to cultural pressures. We can't do these things for them. We're praying and waiting for the Holy Spirit to do his work among our brothers and sisters.

Thank you for standing alongside us as we struggle to bring the Gospel to this dark place. Your prayers and encouragement mean more than you know! God bless you all,
In Christ,

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