Saturday, September 17, 2011

Urgent prayer request

A friend of mine who is teaching in Uganda recently sent these prayer requests. There is so much sin and sorrow on that continent which needs to be prayed over. Please pray that Christians would be strong in the face of great trials. Pray that children who are daily haunted by atrocities they've witnessed, and been forced to commit against their own friends and family, might be rehabilitated. Pray that they might learn and truly believe that God will love them and forgive even the horrible sins they were forced to commit after being abducted. Pray that many unbelievers might hear and believe the Gospel before their lives are cut short by ethnic cleansing and brutal attacks. Here is my friend's update: "But now for the important things. The Lord’s Resistance Army continues to make attacks in the Congo, continuing to abduct child soldiers. Please be praying that Kony would stop leading these men in evil and that somehow justice would come about. I was just told a story from a former child soldier. His name is Pepito. Him and his best friend were abducted together. At some point after being taken, a soldier approached them during a march and asked if the boys were tired. Pepito’s friend said yes and – like that- was shot and killed. This is just one story, and one of the tamer ones at that. Please, please keep these children in prayer. Also, fighting has broken out in the Blue Nile region of Sudan. I cannot say much, but one of my former ESL students is in the area and is known to be in danger. I wish I could give details but for privacy and safety reasons I cannot. Please pray for this man as he is a Muslim and did not know Jesus the last time I saw him. He is most likely going to be executed. Please pray for him by name - an American variation of his name is Joe. My heart aches over him because I never once shared Jesus with him… even though I had him in class for months. So pray, and think about sharing your love for Jesus much much more."

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