Thursday, April 18, 2013

Picture Time!

I teach kindergarten to these little troublemakers for about an hour on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons. They all come to my banda. On this rainy day, after tramping from the clinic to my place in the rain and mud, they decided to cuddle up under a blanket for school. (Left to right: Stacey Kyalo, Jacob Okken, James Kyalo)

Sunshine Okken ran across this puff adder on the path behind my banda a few weeks ago. It was just a bit longer than my flip flop, but don't let their small size deceive you - these things are very dangerous (erono jik!). Thankfully our guard Papa Lokwii came to the rescue right away and gave it a good sound beating, then chucked it into the trees.

Dressed up in our Karimojong finest for a wedding we attended earlier this year. COLOR. BEADS. BANGLES. MORE COLORS. CLASHING COLORS. They love it!

KEO on Facebook!

Hey friends,

Check out and "like" the new KEO Facebook page! Invite your friends! Get the word out!

We are ever relaxing!

This week we're enjoying some much needed R&R in Jinja, the most touristy town in Uganda. It's an absolutely beautiful little city. We're staying at a hotel called Serjio's, which has views of the Nile/Lake Victoria and really beautiful rooms. Its a specialty pizza place too. We are enjoying ourselves too much completely! There's something so therapeutic about being in a really beautiful, CLEAN place with no responsibilities and time to do whatever we want -- swim, sit and talk, play board games, download Youtube videos, sip chai or walk around the Jinja market haggling for good deals on second hand clothes. We had a pretty funny interchange with one lady in the market today who absolutely INSISTED that "my friend, this bath towel is second hand, so it is more! It must be more than new! You know it must be more money than new!" She honestly didn't understand how absurd that idea was!

Two "head honchos" of OPC Foreign Missions, Mark Bube and Doug Clawson, are here to lead the meetings during the retreat and to provide some counsel and encouragement to our team. The adult members of the mission and the MAs (me, Erika, Leah, Chris, Chloe and Jesse) met for several hours yesterday and this morning discussing how things are going (using a Strengths/Weaknesses/Opportunities/Threats assessment), brainstorming future plans and finding out some things we can start working on now to improve our work and our engagement with the community. We came away with lots of ideas to chew on, and talking things through as a big group was really an encouragement to me.

Erika and I came down before the rest of the team, on Saturday morning, and spent Saturday through Monday morning in Mbale. The rest of the team drove down Monday morning and picked us up to take us to Jinja. This morning our retreat ended, and most of the team returned to Karamoja, but Erika, Leah and I are staying in Jinja for a few more days to debrief, spend some time in the Word together and just relax a bit more before going back to the daily grind. We're taking advantage of the chance for a vacation together!

I thank God for these dear girls who have become such close friends for me. They're a constant encouragement to me and we laugh a lot together. Us single ladies gotta stick together, and I'm not sure I could go on living here without them! They're such a blessing to me.

Thanks for your prayers for us, and thank You, Lord, for time to unwind and think through all that we've seen and done over the past few months!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Announcing KEO!

Karamoja Education Outreach

Martha Wright, Erika Bulthuis and I are very excited to announce the newest OPC Foreign Missions Special Project, KEO!

As many of you know, Erika, Martha and I have been involved in teaching young Karimojong children in a variety of ways, from weekly kids Bible studies to visiting Nakaale Primary School every Thursday. Many of you also know that our church plant in Karamoja is small and has no indigenous pastors, elders or deacons. There are simply no men eligible or able to lead the congregation.

Looking at the work here long term, we see a real need for able, educated young people that can one day be trained for ministry. Keeping our eyes on the future, we are hoping to start both a pre-primary school and an expanded school outreach effort in Karamoja.

Erika and I are so excited to be returning in the fall for another year in Karamoja! This will certainly be the most difficult thing I've ever done, but it will be so worthwhile and, Lord willing, a great blessing and encouragement to the work of the Mission as a whole. Thank you for all your prayers as we prepare for this new venture and seek the Lord's guidance and wisdom.

Before returning to the States this summer for a couple months at home, Erika and I will be speaking to parents of potential students and letting the community know about our plans. We'd appreciate your prayers for good discussions with the elders and parents and an ability to clearly explain our goals and expectations.

 To learn more about this project, please visit the Karamoja Education Outreach website. I'd love to answer any questions you have about our specific plans. We'll be sending out more information on the project in coming months.

Thanks for your emails and letters of encouragement and your continued prayers!
In Christ,
Emily Pihl